Stable Events Group
Health & Safety Policy 2024
Issued – 16th February 2024
Stable Events Group, and its subsidiaries, including The National Game Fair Ltd and
LAPADA Events Ltd, (also known as the Organiser) commits to providing sufficient
resources, information, training and supervision, as far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure
the health, safety and welfare of its permanent and temporary employees, consultants,
contractors and exhibitors (known as The Event Team). As well as those members of the
public who may be affected by activities of Stable Events Group. Additionally, the Organiser
provides a commitment and intent to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974,
and other relevant health and safety legislation. Stable Events Group commits to follow
applicable industry and sector specific regulations and guidance as appropriate.
To achieve this commitment, Stable Events Group and its subsidiaries will endeavour to take
all reasonable steps to meet the objectives of this policy and ensure all necessary resources,
including staff, equipment and time, are allocated appropriately.
Policy Objectives
• Monitor health and safety standards across all activities
• Provide a mechanism to monitor the application of this policy
• Ensure effective consultation and communication of health and safety matters
• Consideration of health and safety factors in the selection of contractors and
• Ensure compliance of all relevant obligations stemming from the Health and Safety at
Work etc. Act 1974 and related legislation and guidance
• Implement effective safety management systems to minimise risks to employees,
contractors, volunteers, patrons and the environment
• Prioritise measures to avoid risks at source and to promote collective controls
• Provide and maintain a safe working environment with safe access, egress and
welfare facilities
• Provide and maintain safe work equipment and implement safe systems of work
• Ensure that all staff, volunteers and contractors are properly briefed and trained on
their work activities and any associated hazards
• Provide suitable and sufficient information, instruction, and supervision to enable
staff, contractors and others to work safely on behalf of the Organiser.
• Safeguard the health and safety of persons not employed or contracted by the
Organiser who may be affected by its operations
• Promote the safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances
• Prepare and communicate to all staff, volunteers and contractors the emergency
procedures in place
• Develop procedures to effectively deal with accidents and incidents, including
analysis to prevent reoccurance
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• Ensure sufficient financial resources are available to meet the health, safety and
welfare requirements which are the responsibility of the Organiser
• Require other organisations, or self-employed persons working for the Organiser to
make similar provision to cover their responsibilities for health, safety, and welfare
• Require that other organsiations working for the Organiser provide evidence of having
appropriate certification, qualification and insurance for the activities being
• Reviewing this policy annually and when necessary, and ensure it is made available
to all relevant interested parties
It will be the function of Stable Events Group Managing Director and its Managers to arrange
for the necessary requirements to carry out work in a safe manner.
This Policy relies upon the support and co-operation of all members of the Event Team, other
organisations, and their employees. The Organiser reminds the members of the Event Team,
its Contractors, the Exhibitors, and their Sub-Contractors, that they have legal duties to work
in a safe manner, and to co-operate in efforts to create and maintain safe working conditions.
This policy (and any revision of it) will be brought to the notice of the Event Team, Contractors,
Exhibitors and their Sub-Contractors, as well as others, as necessary
Signature: Date: 16th February 2024
Name: James Gower Position: Managing Director
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Organisation & Arrangements
This policy sets out the responsibilities for the safety of the individuals who are responsible
directly to Stable Events Group, as well as any subsidiaries such as The National Game Fair
Ltd and LAPADA Events Ltd. Stable Events Group is responsible for a range of different
shows and events, produced and organised by several different entities. Each event is unique
in the way that it runs and the specific responsibilities of individuals may change from event
to event.
The following section of this policy outlines general responsibilities, which are applicable
without exception to all members of the Event Team. In addition, because of their job
responsibilities, the Director, and others with managerial or supervisory roles have additional
responsibilities for safety which are also outlined in this policy.
Furthermore, organisations and individuals working on the Organiser’s event sites, but not
under the direct management of Stable Events Group, are required to carry out their work as
outlined in the ‘Contractors’, ‘Exhibitors’ and ‘Others’ Sections of this document.
During the delivery phase of each event, a command and control structure will be established
to co-ordinate and oversee site activities and to facilitate communication across departments
and with external agencies. This collective of persons shall be referred to as the Event Liaison
Team (ELT). Whilst the composition of the ELT structure and physical location of ELT
members may vary for each event, the ELT will be representatives of key on-site services,
notably Stewarding and Security, Traffic Management, Site Management and senior persons
from the Organiser. Experienced event professionals will be appointed as Duty Event
Controllers who shall work on a shift pattern to cover the license period.
In the event of a Major Incident or other serious incident, senior members of the ELT will join
a separate group to function as a Joint Command Centre whilst the ELT continues with the
“normal” operation of the event. This group may be joined by external agencies depending
on the situation.
In this document the following meanings are adopted:
The Organiser refers to the legal entity of Stable Events Group, and its subsidiaries, such
as The National Game Fair Ltd and LAPADA Events Ltd, and any person/s engaged to work
on behalf of these legal entities.
Event refers to any show that has been organised/produced by the legal entity of Stable
Events Group, and its subsidiaries, such as The National Game Fair Ltd and LAPADA Events
Staff refers to any individuals carrying out activities on behalf of a legal entity at the
Organiser’s event, including the Organiser, Contractors, Exhibitors, their Sub-Contractors
and Features. This includes persons who are volunteering, working as an employee, or are
engaged as a freelancer.
Venue refers to the receiving house in which the show is hosted.
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Roles and Responsibilities
Primary Safety Duties & Responsibilities
The Organiser recognises and promotes the fact that all members of the Event Team,
including individuals and organisations, have a duty and responsibility in health and safety
management. These responsibilities include:
a) The attendance at, and proper participation in, safety and other training, including
refresher training. This includes the appropriate implementation of the safety
practices covered in any such training and the reading of this document and
attendance of all onsite inductions.
b) Complying with the relevant statutory requirements, the risk assessments applicable
to their own operations and implementing arrangements set out in this policy in
relation to their own work.
c) Taking reasonable care of the safety of themselves and of all others who may be
affected by their acts or omissions at work.
d) Co-operating fully in all matters concerning safety and its management. Including
chasing outstanding health and safety forms from exhibitors and features when
e) Refraining from tampering with or misusing anything which they may come upon in
the course of their work, to compromise safety.
f) The correct use and reasonable care of vehicles, plant, equipment, machinery,
appliances, tools, and other items provided for the work they undertake.
g) The proper use and reasonable care of any personal protective equipment (PPE)
provided to them.
h) Refraining from the consumption of alcohol or other intoxicants prior to, or during,
their normal working hours, as to ensure they are fit to carry out safely the range of
work that they would normally be expected to undertake. This includes build up, show
days and breakdown period.
i) Reporting to their Manager, Supervisor or Head of Operations, any unsafe plant,
equipment, machinery, tools or other hazards of which they become aware.
j) Assisting the Head of Operations & Health & Safety Team in monitoring the
operations carried out by the Organiser, Contractors, Exhibitors and their Sub-
Contractors and others on the site.
Managing Director
The Managing Director, as the individual representing the Organiser, will:
a) Establish and maintain the organisation required to achieve the effective
management of the health, safety, and welfare of the Event Team, whilst they are
working onsite. This includes the safety and health of employees of other
organisations working onsite, visitors and others affected by the event.
b) Accept accountability for the implementation of this policy, as well as compliance with
the relevant statutory requirements and codes of practice.
c) Procure and review the resources and facilities required for safety, ensuring that they
are adequate and suitably allocated to enable implementation of this policy, and
compliance with the relevant statutory requirements and codes of practice.
d) Ensure that information necessary for the implementation of this policy is distributed
to the Event Team and to other organisations on the site.
e) Participate in the implementation of emergency procedures in the event of a serious
accident or other incident resulting in the need to evacuate the site.
f) Ensure that accidents which occur on or around the event site are appropriately
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g) Lead the investigation of any serious accident, with support from the Operations
h) Encourage, by personal example and attitude, the observance of this policy, the
relevant statutory requirements and codes of practice.
Office Team (Sales, Marketing, Accounts & Feature Departments)
The Office Team of Stable Events Group, which includes, but is not limited too, the
departments of Sales, Marketing, Accounts & Features, as well as any staff in the office
throughout the year, will be responsible to the Managing Director for:
a) Ensuring that members of their own team carry out their work safely and in compliance
with relevant statutory requirements, codes of practice etc, in addition to the
arrangements and special rules in this policy and the risk assessments applicable to
their own operations and responsibilities.
b) Liaising and co-operating with fellow members of the Event Team and others, as
necessary, to the extent which is necessary to ensure safety.
c) Assisting the Safety Team in monitoring of the operations carried out by Contractors,
Exhibitors, their contractors and others on the site.
d) Participating in the implementation of emergency procedures in the event of a serious
accident or other incident and the need to evacuate the event site.
e) Encourage, by personal example and attitude, the observance of this policy, the
relevant statutory requirements, and codes of practice.
Operations Team
The Operations Team will be responsible to the Managing Director for:
a) Ensuring they and all members of the Site Management Team who carry out
operations on and around the event site, do so safely and in compliance with relevant
statutory requirements and codes of practice, the arrangements and special rules in
this policy, and the risk assessments applicable to their own operations.
b) Oversee the activities of the Site Management Team.
c) Commission and oversee an appropriate production schedule for site operations.
d) Arrange for the delivery, installation and removal of temporary site facilities.
e) Plan and supervise the operations of contractors engaged to provide event services
and facilities.
f) Ensure that the site is designed to facilitate public access and circulation without
undue risk, and organise so that work is carried out after proper assessment of all
g) Liaising and co-operating with fellow members of the Event Team and others, as
necessary, to the extent which is necessary to ensure safety.
h) Participate in the implementation of emergency procedures in the event of a serious
accident or other incident resulting in the need to evacuate the site.
i) Encourage, by personal example and attitude, the observance of this policy, the
relevant statutory requirements, and codes of practice.
j) Wear the correct PPE on site, including Hi-Visable clothing, and leading by example.
k) Assist in the compilation of risk assessments and other safety documents which
relate to their activities on the event site
l) Liaise with the Safety Team in relation to safety management and arrangement of
work systems.
m) Assisting the Safety Team in monitoring of the operations carried out by Contractors,
Exhibitors, Sub-Contractors and others on the site.
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Health & Safety Team
The Health & Safety Team (Safety Team) will be responsible to the Managing Director and
the Head of Operations for:
a) Producing suitable and sufficient written assessments of risks, in relation to the
Organiser’s undertakings on the event site during the event period, together with
appropriate control measures, reviewing these, as required.
b) Making the notification, and assembling the project documentation required to meet
the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.
c) Monitoring and advising, using the sources available, to enable implementation of this
policy and compliance with the relevant statutory requirements and codes of practice.
This includes recommending changes of quantity or allocation, as required.
d) Advising the Managing Director, Head of Operations, and other members of the Event
Team on the interpretation of relevant statutory requirements and codes of practice.
e) Assist the Site Design Manager in developing an effective overall site plan.
f) Liaising with the Site Management Team in relation to their safety management
arrangements and working methods.
g) Receiving copies of the Contractors, Exhibitors, and their Sub-Contractors’ risk
assessments, commenting, and taking any further action, as necessary.
h) Providing information and instruction as necessary for the implementation of this
policy, to the Head of Operations.
i) Monitoring the implementation of this policy and compliance with the relevant
statutory requirements and codes of practice.
j) Monitoring operations on-site that may create hazards to the safety, health or welfare
of persons working there or the safety and health of Visitors and other persons that
could be affected.
k) Liaising alongside the Managing Director and Head of Operations with the emergency
services and the local authorities, in relation to maintinaing safety standards during
the event period and action to be taken in the event of an accident or emergency.
l) Participating alongside the Managing Director and Head of Operations, in the
implementation of emergency procedures in the event of a serious accident or
incident resulting in the need to evacuate the site
m) Make RIDDOR reports on behalf of the Managing Director.
n) Arrange, as required, for relevant safety tests and inspections to be undertaken.
o) Supporting the investigation of accidents and dangerous occurrences.
p) Ensure that accident reporting procedures are followed in relation to any accidents
which occur on or around the site.
q) Encourage, by personal example and attitude, the observance of this policy, the
relevant statutory requirements, and codes of practice.
Contractors who provide marquees, grandstands, electricity and other temporary event
infrastructure, facilities and services, are required by the Organiser to:
a) Ensure that all their operations on and around the event site are conducted safely, in
compliance with relevant statutory requirements, codes of practice, etc, and with the
arrangements and special rules implemented as outlined in this policy.
b) Provide to the Organiser copies of written risk assessments and other safety
documents which relate to their activities on-site and liaise with the Safety Team in
relation to their safety management arrangements and working methods.
c) Co-operate with managers and others, as necessary, to the extent which is necessary
to ensure safety.
d) Provide the Organiser with evidence of suitable levels of insurance cover in place for
public and employers liabilities and any other relevant risks.
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Exhibitors are required by the Organiser to:
a) Provide, for examination,copies of their general and relevant written risk assessments
covering their operations on the event site, as well as those of any Sub-Contractors
used during the event period. Failure to provide these documents may result in the
Exhibitor not being able to trade on site.
b) Ensure that all Exhibitors operations and those of their Sub-Contractors are
conducted safely, in compliance with relevant statutory requirements, codes of
practice, etc. , and with the arrangements and special rules outlined within this policy
and within their own/sub-contractors’ risk assessments.
c) Exercise control of and care for the safety of Visitors to their stands and/or
demonstration areas.
d) Co-operate with the Organiser and others, as required, to the extent which is
necessary to ensure safety of everyone.
e) Provide to the Organiser, evidence of suitable levels of insurance cover in place for
public and employers liabilities and any other relevant risks.
f) Ensure all LPG gas bottles brought onsite are of an appropriate size and quantity for
it’s planned use, and are stored in a safe place, secured in an upright position.
Other staff, organisations and volunteers working onsite on behalf of the Organiser or others,
are required to:
a) Co-operate with the the Organiser, as required,to the extent which is necessary to
ensure safety.
b) Ensure that all their operations on and around the event site are conducted safely, in
compliance with relevant statutory requirements, codes of practice, etc, and with the
arrangements and special rules outlined within this policy.
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This policy requires that all activities, on and around the event site, are carried out safely.
Whilst each event is unique in the way that it runs, Stable Events Group requires that, as a
primary means of achieving this objective, everyone concerned with the Event must comply
with the general requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the specific
requirements of all other relevant legislation, codes of practice, etc. In addition, some special
rules will also apply. The Event Team, Contactors, Exhibitors, their Sub-Contractors, and
other persons concerned with the site, are therefore required to note the special rules and
accompanying information, as set out below, and to comply with them in relation to delivery
of the event.
The Event Team (and others subject to the Organiser’s immediate direction) are also required
to note the requirements of the current edition of the Organiser’s Risk Assessments and to
implement the control measures relevant to their own work.
a) Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
To ensure that the use of temporary demountable structures and other construction elements
of work required for the event and procured by the Organiser comply with the requirements
of the CDM Regulations 2015. The Organiser, as the Client, will also take on the roles of
Principal Designer and Principal Contractor. The Organisers tentage, and other contractors
who carry out construction work will be appointed as Contractors under the regulations, and
in some cases also as Designers.
Exhibitors who contract with the Organiser for space only on the event site, and erect (or
have erected by contractors) their own tentage or other structures, will be reminded of the
CDM requirements. They will be advised that such work must be considered as a separate
construction project on which, as Client, the Exhibitor must ensure compliance with the
regulations and ensure co-ordination and co-operation with the Organiser in carrying out their
construction work. The Organiser will however continue to monitor the construction work
carried out by Exhibitors or their Sub-Contractors and reserve the right to intervene in the
interests of safety, if required.
b) Monitoring by the Health & Safety Team
The Health & Safety Team will monitor activities on the event site during build-up, the event
days, and breakdown, and may be consulted on safety matters during these times. The
Health & Safety Team is empowered to act in the interests of safety as required, this includes
stopping Exhibitors’ activities and/or closing down stands.
c) High Visibility Clothing
In addition to any other personal protective clothing specified for use in the Organiser’s,
Contractors’, Exhibitors’ and their Sub-Contractors’ risk assessments, all employees must
wear suitable high visibility clothing during the build-up and breakdown periods while working
on the event site.
d) Incapacity Through Alcohol or Drugs
Any person working onsite at the event who is suspected to be unfit to carry out their work
safely due to alcohol or other intoxicants may be stood down from work, pending
consideration of further action, by the Head of Operations, Site Manager, a member of the
Health and Safety Team or their own manager or supervisor. Employees of Contractors
similarly suspected to be unfit may be referred to their employer with the requirement that
they be stood down.
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e) Event Risk Assessments
All Contractors, Exhibitors, and their Sub-Contractors (regardless of the number of persons
employed) must produce written risk assessments and fire risk assessments covering their
operations on the event site and submit copies of these as requested by the Organiser. These
documents should be submitted via the designated Jotforms.
f) Unloading and Loading of Exhibits and Equipment
Exhibitors and Contractors must plan in advance, to ensure that any exhibits, or other items
brought to the event site can be unloaded from and re-loaded onto transport safely, and that
the item/s is erected and dismantled safely, and in the time available for build-up and
breakdown. Exhibitors and Contractors must also ensure that the item can fit in the
designated stand space.
g) Lifting Operations
To minimise risks arising from lifting operations carried out on the site, the Health & Safety
Team will undertake sample monitoring. Monitoring will consist of general observation of
lifting operations and the requirement for the person/s carrying out lifts with the use of mobile
cranes, lorry loaders or other mechanical means, to confirm their competence to undertake
the duties concerned. The Health & Safety Team may take action to stop any lifting operation,
if they are not satisfied that it is safe to proceed.
h) Work at Height
Work at height must be carried out with the use of appropriate access equipment and/or fall
arrest equipment. The use of powered access equipment must be undertaken observing the
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER). The use of lift trucks,
telescopic handlers and similar lifting devices used for access purposes will not be permitted
unless the machine is appropriately adapted for the lifting of persons.
i) Movement of Vehicles – Reversing, Speed Limit and Parking
Vehicles must be driven around site with concern for the safety of pedestrians. In particular
the reversing of vehicles must be minimised and a banks-person will be used when required
to ensure safety. A speed limit will be established at each Venue and all vehicles, including
buggies, must adhere to it at all times. Precautions must be taken by drivers or operators to
prevent vehicles, parked on sloping ground, from running away.
j) Movement of Vehicles - Time Restrictions
On show days, Exhibitors and their sub-contractors must not move vehicles between the
determined times of the vehicle cerfew. Curfew restrictions apply to the enclosed area of the
event site containing the Exhibitor stands, arenas and other show features. The curfew
remains effective unless specific permission of movement is granted by the Organiser, in
each instance, and the vehicle displays an identification pass issued for this purpose by the
k) Operation of Plant and Equipment
Contractors, Exhibitors, their Sub-Contractors, and others must ensure that plant and
equipment, demonstrated or used on the event site, is operated safely by competent persons.
Operators of plant and equipment must have documentary evidence, of training and
competence, available for examination by the Health & Safety Team. Forklifts are prohibited
on site, with the exception of those provided by the organisers, unless you have express
written permission from the Operations Manager.
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l) Fencing of Demonstrations
Any demonstration of machinery, plant or similar that could entail significant risk, must take
place within a suitably fenced area which must provide separation from, and minimization of
risks to visitors and others. Rope barriers may not be sufficient for the task, and consideration
must also be given to the possibility of flying particles or debris that may be ejected by the
items being demonstrated.
m) Safe Passage Behind Stands
Vehicles left parked behind stands on show days must not encroach on the 8-meter safety
passage. The Safety Team, Head of Operations and Site Team will monitor parking of
vehicles in the back of house areas, and if necessary, arrange for the removal of those
vehicles identified as causing a risk.
n) Vehicle Parking on Stands
At no time may a vehicle be parked inside a covered stand.
o) All-Terrain Vehicles (Quads) and Motorcycles
Only quads, gators or similar vehicles, clearly displaying the correct official vehicle sticker,
will be permitted onsite. All-terrain vehicles, such as quad bikes, motorcycles and or other
vehicles that may cause risk, nuisance, or inconvenience, must not be used on-site at any
p) Stability of Plant, Equipment, Scaffolds, Flags, Banners Etc.
All stands, tentage, machinery/equipment on display, banners, flagpoles, and similar items
must be erected in a way to remain stable. This should include consideration of the nature of
ground beneath the item and the likely weather conditions during the event period.
Any flags and banners that must break the ground to install, must be approved and express
written permission provided by the Head of Operations/Site Management, before being
q) Electricity
Only the Organiser’s electrical contractor may provide electrical power to the event site on
show days. Exhibitors and their Sub-Contractors must not use their own generators on show
days, without prior written permission from the Head of Operations. Exhibitors and their Sub-
Contractors must ensure that any electrical installation is in a hospitality unit or similar, that
all electrical appliances and tools are in safe condition, that they have recently been tested
and inspected, and that they are labeled to indicate a recent test.
r) Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Use of LPG is permitted on-site, but spare cylinders must be stored in the areas provided for
this purpose and not inside an exhibition stand or vehicle. Gas appliances used onsite must
be in safe condition and be labelled to indicate recent testing and inspection.
s) Fire Risk Assessment and Extinguishers
All exhibitor’s must carry out a fire risk assessment for their stand/installation. All stands and
installations across the site must be equipped, by the Exhibitor, with a suitable fire
extinguishers to meet considered fire hazards based on that assessment. Fire extinguishers
must be in clear view, in accessible locations that allow them to be immediately available in
the event of fire.
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t) Food and Catering Facilities
The enforcing authority for food hygiene regulations may carry out inspections of any catering
facility on the event site during the event period. Exhibitors will cooperate with and facilitate
environmental health officers’ inspections, if required to do so.
u) Lost Children and Vulnerable Adults
On event days the Organiser will operate procedures and provide suitable facilities for the
care of lost children and vulnerable adults who require assistance, and to arrange for such
visitors to the event to be re-united safely with their family members, carers, or other
appropriate persons.
v) Accident and Emergency Procedures
In the event of an accident requiring first aid, an unexpected fire, the knowedge of a bomb
threat, discovery of a suspicious object or similar occurrences, the ELT must be contacted
immediately, to allow the appropriate responsive action to commence. Contact with the Event
Control Team will be made by telephone to a designated number that will be issued prior to
the event, alternatively, contact will be made to the ELT by any of the Event Management
w) Accident Reporting
To comply with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
(RIDDOR) each employer at the event must report any relevant incidents. These would
include accidents which injure their employees, or which result in one of the Dangerous
Occurrences covered by RIDDOR.
RIDDOR also requires that accidents to members of the public, including visitors, are
reported by an employer involved in the incident. It may not be clear who should make such
a report, but each employer involved in the incident will be responsible for ensuring that a
report is made, either by themselves or by another employer involved, and that a copy of the
report is passed to the Health & Safety Team, without delay.
The following individuals named within this Safety Policy confirm that they have read,
understand, and will fulfil their responsibilities and comply with the requirements.