Exhibitors who intend to sell/display guns at The Game Fair must hold a current valid Registered Firearms Dealer Certificate (RFD). Information about how to apply for an RFD will be provided below. If your certificate was issued by the Warwickshire Police then you must inform them that you are Exhibiting at The Game Fair. If your RFD was issued by another police force in the U.K., then you must apply to Warwickshire Police for a temporary RFD. Please be aware that an application for an RFD is not a risk assessment. General and fire risk assessments are also required in addition to a RFD. For further information regarding RFD certificates please email lee.hurst@thegamefair.org
All firearms on display must be secured with an appropriate chain or suitable fixing fed through the trigger guard, except when being handled for demonstration. In addition to the above, all legal firearm and police requirements must be met by Exhibitors, this includes adhering to age restrictions.
Open or unprotected blades of any description must be safely displayed in a lockable cabinet.
The Organisers reserve the right to decline or shut down any exhibit they deem to be unacceptable or offensive, and request any such items be removed from the stands. Employees must be trained and aware of the handling/Exhibiting guidelines. Suitable age restriction signage must be clearly displayed. Be aware that Trading Standards Officers will be attending the show and may use underage shoppers to 'test' purchase knives, to check whether "non-sale of knives to under 18's" is being practiced.
Please see link below to temporary RFD application form:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe Temp RFD fee can be paid via BACS and enclosed with the application::
Bank -
Sort Code
Account number
Reference – Business name
The application and fee can be forwarded to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Please mark application 'The Game Fair' and include a copy of your insurance docs with your application.